At its core, Plan B SUpply is anyone bold enough to answer the call to live prepared.

Yes, that means you.

What’s an outpost? We’re so glad you asked.

In the context of militaries and empires, an outpost is a fort or armament that keeps things safe at a great distance from home base. At plan b supply, we see all of our clientele as an extension of us, possessing the same spirit of preparation, security, reliability, and community that we do. In keeping with this spirit, we have compiled some of our most popular components into three beautiful DIY packages—The Outpost (or op) kits. Skip the line, join the ranks, and save some cash with an Outpost Kit, and become part of plan B history.

The All New Outpost (OP) Kit from Plan B Supply

  • Outpost Kit - Basic

    With all the sturdy features of the Rampage at a fraction of the cost, the Basic tier will get you where you’re going. This kit comes with a solid grouping of some of our most sought-after Plan B designed components.

  • Outpost Kit - Tactical

    Step it up a notch with our mid-tier kit, Tactical. Comparable to the components included with the Ruckus, this kit is sure to elevate your build’s swagger and utility. With more items than those included with our Basic kit, Tactical also comes with greater savings.

  • Outpost Kit - Locked & Loaded

    Turn your machine into the ultimate beast with the Locked & Loaded OP Kit. This tier includes all the bells and whistles we can offer at our best discount possible. Blow them all away with this serious upgrade!