Frequently asked questions
Answers to the most common questions and links to help along the way
Is it legal for CIVILIANS to drive a RECOMMISSIONED humvee® on public roads?
Yes. You simply have to have the vehicle registered. Every vehicle we procure, restore, and release for sale will be titled in the State of Utah. Our customers also receive assistance in the registration process if needed. Registration is a non-issue with Plan B. Call for additional details. California, Colorado, and New Jersey customers - Call before purchase. We can help.
How fast is a humvee®?
In stock form…Very Much Not fast. The top cruising speed of a stock M998 is officially designated by the Military as 55 mph. That being said, those same vehicles are capable of speeds in excess of 70-85mph depending on variant and configuration. Most stock military humvees in our top speed testing exceed 65-70mph. Our stated suggested top speed is available on our Humvee Variants page. Engine Conversion Performance upgrades alter those stats considerable if wanted.
Is the Humvee® Bulletproof?
The standard Humvee® does not come armored from the factory. However, we do offer Armor Upfitting, as well as multiple levels of fully armored vehicles. The Humvee comes from the Military as a Aluminum bodied vehicle. There are many fiberglass components of the HMMWV as well. This measure came mostly from the US Military’s desire to save weight and allow these vehicles to be air dropped from a C17 into combat zones.
Is the Humvee® insurable?
Yes. Please check with your insurance agent to confirm that your policy and carrier allow coverage to the amount of value of your desired vehicle setup.
Is the Humvee® a good daily driver?
Sure, But The Humvee® should be considered as a “situational use vehicle”. Like a classic car, dump truck, tractor or ATV/UTV.
How many Does the humvee® seaT?
Up to 12 with a search and rescue configuration, but we suspect you mean inside the cab. The answer here is 4 adults and up to 2 additional children or smaller humans. The Humvee® has 4 seats in the four man truck configuration, but you can gain 2 more occupants by adding a rear jump seat.
Will you work on my Humvee®?
Yes. AS TIME PERMITS :) Please see the B.Y.O.H. Program video here
Is There a warranty?
YES, on Plan B Certified Built Vehicles with Zero Mile Replacement Powertrains. 1 Year Plan B Powertrain warranty (unlimited mileage) Conditions apply.
Does PBS sell outside of the United States?
Some vehicles can be sold outside of the US, Please Contact Us To Determine Possiblilty.
Does PBS have Corporate or Government Contract FULFILLMENT AVAILABILITY?
Yes. Please call 801-675-4321 or email sales@planbsupply.com
Can i visit BUILT BY Plan B?
Yes. Please call and make arrangements as our facility is large and challenging for “walk-in” guests without notice.
Do you offer financing?
Yes. Our customers get financing through our preferred lender frequently. Click here to visit our Humvee Financing page for more information. Some In-house Financing is available after a Deposit is recieved. Conditions apply.
What are the paint options?
You can have any color as long as it’s Tactical Black. Rampage and Ruckus come standard with Anti-Spall textured paint, but are also available in other formats and colors for an extra cost and longer wait time.
Do you ship the vehicle to me?
No. We can assist in locating a shipping company. Shipping fluctuates in price but we’ve found $.1.10/mi to be the average rate to calculate for non-armored vehicles, and 1.95/mi for armored vehicles.
Do you have humvees® In-stock and ready to purchase?
Sometimes, But they will usually cost more as they cost us more to spend our funds to build. Our custom vehicles (Rampage, Ruckus, Riot, Ricochet and Renegade ) are usually made to order.